Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Two days left..

Two days to go before the vacation will starts and I think I still have work for six days work. This means I have to make a choice; what to finish, what can wait until I’m back or which what  I could ask Danielle to do. Tomorrow I will see how far I get with it. After that I will decide how further. Luckily the minutes from the last department meeting are finished without too many mistakes. Now I have to wait for the last person who has to approve them. Then this job is done. It was a job which made me nervous beforehand. Afterwards it seems not as scary as I thought. I think this proves my practice sessions with Valerie are paying off. By the way, I really did enjoyed this morning’s session. It was fun and difficult to explain Dutch grammar in English.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it today! I'm looking forward to doing it again and also to learning more from you online like this!
    As regards this post, then, I like it, it is so very much how you speak and it's Flora completely. Still there are a few mistakes, so I'll copy and paste it here for you to see:

    Two days to go before the vacation will starts and I think I still have work for six days(word order). This means I have to make a choice; what to finish, what can wait until I’m back or which what I could ask Danielle to do. Tomorrow I will see how far I get with it. After that I will decide how to go further. Luckily the minutes from the last department meeting are finished without too much manymistakes. Now I have to wait for the last person who has to approve them. Then this job is done (or will be done? is done is good!) It was a job which made me nervous beforehand. Afterwards it seems not as scary as I thought. I think this proves my practice sessions with Valerie isare paying off. By the way, I really did enjoy this morning’s session. It was fun and difficult to explain Dutch grammar in English.
