Thursday, 21 July 2011

Does our Basil needs a haircut?

An issue that we have discussed  from day one that he came to us. The problem are his eyesight. We really think he sees a lot less than a dog with a proper haircut that doesn't cover his eyes. When we throw his toys further away then one meter he can’t see them. Or he is just lazy. To find out which is the problem, his blindness or his laziness we gave him a ponytail as you can see on the picture. Basel didn’t mind and we have him renamed into Fifi.


  1. Hahaha, Flora, this is beautiful! I'm so glad Basil didn't/doesn't mind! I wonder if you have discovered whether he can see more yet? It's a great photo too.

    By the way, your spelling is perfect in this post, and the only error I can find is: "The problem are his eyesigt". This should be 'is' because it is only one problem.

    So WELL DONE! :)))

  2. Where is your next post?? I miss them now! I have done two about the was dreadful and I'm sure I've failed all except the reading part. You can read about it on my blog!
