Thursday, 14 July 2011

Day two

Why on earth did I make this promise to write an English blog? Write a blog in Dutch is not so difficult, just a few stories about my little dog Basil what he’s is doing and what I think of that and done is the blog. If I can do that in Dutch why not in English you should think. This is so true and I can start this blog with this morning’s round outside. We start the morning like almost everyone today with a lot of rain, the typical Dutch summer. Our Basil who is a small very hairy dog doesn’t like the rain much. However rain or not we have to go out for the morning walk. In about 5 minutes our Basil looks like a floor cloth, I was totally wet through and we ran home in a new world record. To avoid him getting over energetic   I really hope it will be dry later today so we can have a longer walk.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Valerie, I tried to correct the texst with your comments. I ment with an complete misspell trough==> true (Dutch-waar)
