I've found it; the website you mentioned during our last meeting, Flo-Joe. They've a Facebook page as well, very handy to use, with a lot of exercises and information. You can find them on facebook using the following link:
I've stuff enough now to prepare. However the most important part, time is still missing. Last weekend I convinced myself to do a few exercises and a listening test. Before I knew it the weekend was already gone and I hadn't done anything at all. This has to change if I want to get a good outcome off the exam. Thank god I still have time.

One of the things which kept me from studying was our Basil. For the last two weeks I had in mind to brush and cut the hair above his eyes and off his feet and wash him after this. After this I have to dry him with the blower and when we finally are finished he is always so beautiful and cute. See the photos to prove I'm right.

This morning I went by bike to the university. It was cold with a beautiful sun. The road looks very slippery due to the freezing at night. So in the beginning I felt a bit scared, and when I saw all the other bikers go fast without any hesitation I thought don't be so scared and bike! So I did manage to arrive at work without falling or slipping.
Tomorrow it's my Basil day; therefore I have to go home during lunch time. I never go by bike then and I have a legitimate reason to use the car.
If the weather is nice around 13.00 hours it is possible I'll go back by bike.
The rest of the week the forecast predict a lot of rain so it is not likely that I'm going to cycle this week. If I'm right with this prediction I can tell you coming Friday.