I'm afraid I'm too late with this post. I expect you have already looked if I have done my blogpost as promised. I had to watch the two football games first and after this Basil wanted his walk outside. That's the reason I am doing this post, late and with no subject to write about. As you can see, I have remembered to show you my Smart cabrio (whats the word for this in English??) I'm still struggling with time issues. I want to do more than I can do in the time I have. I know I have to make choices, and I'm not very good at that. Let's talk about this tomorrow:-) I end this post with a photo of Basil ready for the first match from Holland- Denmark.

Lief!!!! Both the car and Bazil. I love your open top Smart and Bazil looks too cute for candy. Talk to me about time issues...sheesh! I have them too! Till tomorrow, thanks for the post!