Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Time to write

this week I started with work after a four weeks holiday. To be honest our holiday was more and harder work than I had ever done. As you know we had planned to paint our house, and we are almost finished. We have done more than expect. The only thing what is not finished is our barn or storage space door. (I can't find an correct translation of our Dutch word "schuur") Our neighbours are all jealous, so I think we have done an amazing job. We are very proud of ourself that we have succeeded with our project.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Not finished:-(

Today it's Monday and we're not ready and that's a bit disappointing. The good news is that the end is nearby. It has to be because next Monday our holiday is over. Off course we made arrangements to have a few more days holiday in case we need it. To be honest, I now know already I need the few days more, so I can rest a bit before going back to work:-) Next time I hope to show a photo from our house when it's finished.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Ground floor

Today we had planned to do the front door and the kitchen window, but unfortunately we had unexpected visitors. Jan Cees his father was so curious after all we had told him about our painting work.It was almost four o'clock before he left so I only completed the front door today. We are still on schedule so it's not a big problem. After all we have holidays so a day with less progress is also good. Tomorrow we will put back the windows on the first floor and than it is complete finished. Can't wait for that moment.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Next level is achieved

The first floor is now for the first time in the primer. This must be done tree times before we can finish with the topcoat. It needs each time a day drying before the next layer can be applied. We made a start with the removal of the old paint of the ground floor. So with a bit of luck we can paint the ground floor  for the first time this Thursday. Our hope is to finish the complete project next Monday. Then we only have to make a move to the other side of our house to clean the wall with our pressure washer. The bricks are never cleaned and they are almost black of all the dirt of the passing traffic.