Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Homework and English,

After a few weeks holiday, my first meeting with Valerie was one in which I made quite a few mistakes, the so-called usual suspects. These together with still too many grammar and Dutch word order mistakes means that I have to do a lot more homework if I ever want to finish the last exam with more than a borderline grade. For this week, I have almost done all my homework. But, there are still two days left, so I think I will make it this time. Unfortunately, a day has only 24 hours from which I need to work eight and I need at least another seven to sleep. If you count it like this, it means I have nine hours left to do all the other things. Nine hours sounds a lot, and it would be if I could use them all in one go, instead of splitting them up during the day. I have two hours in the morning before work, one during the day for lunch or for walking Basil. The six hours I have left after work, I need to prepare dinner and do the laundry, clean the house or go to the gym. Then, I have to take Basil for a walk and, of course, we need some time to relax and do nothing at all. (

Enough about that. Last week I went with my mother’s dog Drummer to the veterinarian. She called me to say that her vet, who examined Drummer's eye on an infection had told her that he also needed a dental cleaning, and he had an ear infection too. My mother is so pliable, she immediately made an appointment for a dental cleaning under sedation for a few days later. When she arrived at the vet, she told her that she had the impression he was drinking more than usual. That alarmed the vet, so she did a few tests and didn’t want to put him under sedation because she was not sure what was wrong with him. Four days later when the results came back and my mother called me in sort of panic because the results showed that there was a possibility he had a tumor. And, for further investigation he had to go to a specialist in Ommen. I was flabbergasted. The only complaint she had, was that Drummer had a red eye, and now he was almost dying. So I asked her if it was fine with her that I called my vet to make an appointment for a second opinion. Of course, she was, and so we went a week ago on Monday to the vet to found out what was wrong with Drummer. After two urine test, an ultrasound and an x-ray he couldn't find anything suspicious.  Furthermore, there was nothing wrong with his teeth, so no need for a dental cleaning, and also his eye and ear were fine. Unfortunately, the vet found something else. His lymph gland was too big for a dog of his size. Therefore, we decided to do a biopsy for further research. Luckily, the result was negative. However, Drummer was a bit too thin ( my mother just had him on a diet because he was getting too heavy)so  he advised her to feed him a bit more. If he gains weight in four weeks, there’s nothing wrong with him, we thinkJ

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Back from holiday

Oops, already Thursday again. The first English lesson with Valerie after a long holiday. This time, I really wanted to be prepared and at least have written one blog post. How different things can be. Right now, Valerie is already busy teaching Myra, and in 15 minutes it’s my turn. So I have to come up with something. What shall I write?  Four weeks of holiday, in which we had two wonderful sunny and lazy weeks in Turkey. Was that a relaxing time. Very sad that we had a cold turkey come back to the hectic world due to a wedding. Planned just one day after we came back. So you can imagine what a busy day we had that Thursday. Hairdresser, picking up suit and dress from the dry cleaner, etc. Then the wedding Friday, starting early to get ready because we had to be in Haarlem around 12.00 hours. We made it on time. The lunch was outside in a nice garden, and luckily the weather was good. However, an hour later when were in the city hall for the ceremony, and it was getting warmer and warmer. To be honest it was much too hot. Even the groom had to use a paper tissue to wipe his glasses, they were so misty that he couldn't see his bride J. We ended the day with a wonderful dinner in a 2 Michelin star restaurant, very exclusive and nice to enjoy for one time. It’s not my cup of tea, but for this occasion it was nice. Around midnight the young ones ended up in a brown cafĂ© at the corner for a last drink. Al together it was a wonderful day.