Tuesday, 27 March 2012

A new post as promised.....

Today I had a terribly chaotic day. It seems everyone wanted my help at the same time. Things I have normally done in a sec were now some sort of struggle and took me more time than normal.
Further the computer in the seminar room was having difficulties with starting Windows, so I had to call some help from the IT boys from the fourth floor. Martijn was willing to come over and fixed the problem in a few minutes. Due to his help the seminar was able to start on time.
Now it’s almost 5 o’clock and I have to go to our study group session. I would rather go outside to catch some sunshine. At least I had my walk with Basil during lunch time. That was very nice. We met a men with a seven year old Great Dane. It was a blue one. She was really nice and so cute with little Basil who was very impressed by this big dog.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

A strange day

Today I had a strange day due to an conversation I had with one of my co-workers (easier to write than colleagues) his wife told him she wanted to divorce him. To be honest I thought they had survived so many difficulties with their health, the birth of their son and a few other things that I could never guess this is possible. Long after he left my office I am still thinking about them. It was my turn to walk Basil during lunch time so I made a long walk to clear my head. Now it's almost five o'clock and I have to go to my study group to practice the things we learned during the lessons last month. I'm aware of the fact that this blog is a bit mixed with different information. Let's talk about this further tomorrow:-)